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  • Leave Management

Love your vacation planner as much as your vacation

How to plan employee vacations without dying while trying? An easy vacation planner is your safe bet to make your planning as enjoyable as your vacation.

Jazmin Lopez

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kiwiHR as employee self service tool
  • HR Digitisation

The benefits of an employee self-service system

In many industries, consumers prefer to perform certain tasks themselves for their convenience, such as online banking, or self-checkout at supermarkets. Why should this be any different in the workplace?

Jazmin Lopez
  • Employee Management

Employee offboarding: a guide to smooth exits

Employee offboarding in the company is just as important as quality onboarding is for employer branding. Always stay structured and professional.

Frank Mittag
  • Employee Management

The personnel file explained

A personnel file provides essential employee information. Due to its nature, a personnel file also stores large amounts of sensitive data that must be safeguarded. Digitising personnel files keeps data current and safe. Learn more about it here.

Aude Creveau
Aude Creveau
  • Time Tracking

Presenteeism: what it is and why you can't ignore it

You have may have heard of absenteeism but how does that compare to presenteeism and what is the cost to employers as it emerges as a detrimental rising trend?

Jazmin Lopez
  • Time Tracking

7 reasons why you should be using a time tracking app

The old adage "time is money" rings true when it comes to effectively moving toward business goals. A time tracking app is the best way to ensure none is wasted.

Jazmin Lopez
  • Leave Management

Time off in lieu: everything you need to know

If your employees often need to work overtime, then offering time in lieu is the most effective way to reward them for their hard work. Find out why.

Frank Mittag
  • Time Tracking

How to manage overtime in the workplace

No matter how normalised working overtime is, it's not to be encouraged. In fact, studies have shown its effects are detrimental. Find out more about the effects of excessive overtime and how to manage it more effectively.

Aude Creveau
Aude Creveau
  • Inside kiwiHR

kiwiHR meets Barack Obama at Bits & Pretzels

Oktoberfest in Munich comes with surprises. One of them included meeting former president Barack Obama at Bits & Pretzels. Get all the details here:

Jazmin Lopez
  • Employee Management

Welcome aboard! Benefits of an employee onboarding process

Having an onboarding plan for new employees is beneficial for companies and employees. Do you have a plan? Here's your full guide to employee onboarding.

Frank Mittag
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