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Performance review template

Performance review template for open work relationships

Effective performance reviews provide staff with a clearer understanding of their responsibilities and performance. They also lead to improved job satisfaction and morale. Ready to get started with performance management? Get your very own employee performance review template here.

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Why you should conduct employee performance reviews

Also known as performance appraisal, performance reviews allow managers to assess an employee's overall performance on an individual level. It's also the ideal time for recognising achievements, goal setting, and discussing learning and development opportunities. Performance evaluations allow managers and employees to provide constructive feedback for a productive work relationship. Ultimately, the goal is to increase employee engagement by sending them in the right direction through a clearer job responsibility, goal setting and career’s future. This is where a simple performance review can make the difference. Having a clear and structured performance review process is essential for a better human resources management.

How often to conduct performance reviews depends on your company’s needs. Some companies perform quarterly performance reviews, while others go for annual performance reviews. If you would like to encourage a more comprehensive conversation during your performance appraisal, you can also consider holding a 360-degree feedback.

What’s included in our annual performance review template:

  • Employee’s feedback to supervisor
  • Supervisor’s feedback to employee
  • Employee evaluation form
  • Review of previous achievements
  • Goals for the coming period

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HRIS requirements checklist

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